I-Simpa: open-source acoustic modelling

In my search for an open-source, lower cost, and hopefully more user-friendly version of EASE I discovered I-Simpa. On the face of it I-Simpa looks great. Unfortunately they haven't released an installer since 2014.

UPDATE: The developer of I-Simpa commented below and pointed me towards a windows installer. It can be found here. I've not had the opportunity to delve into it yet. So the rest of this post is now obsolete...

If I-Simpa would run on Ubuntu and I could still justify running it, building from source wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately because most audio software doesn't support Ubuntu I am now bound to Windows, and building from source on Windows is a totally different story for me! I've actually given up trying to get I-Simpa to build (I didn't want to have to download and learn how to use Microsoft Visual Studio and I couldn't get it to compile using the terminal).

It is a shame. It looks like a great bit of software, but unless it's easy to build then it won't gain any traction.

In the meantime I'll continue looking for a low-cost acoustic simulation tool.

As an aside - has everyone found the "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows"? It's epic. Findout how to enable it here.


  1. I've just started playing with Bash for Windows, too (getting nginx and ffmpeg scripting together). So far, it looks like a really powerful tool!

    1. I grew to rely on Bash in the 2 years that I exclusively used Ubuntu. Now that I'm back in the audio world I have to come back to windows. It's nice that I don't have to leave Bash behind.

    2. Hi,

      I'm the software developer of I-Simpa. We are currently building I-Simpa for Bsd/Linux. Our master branch is automatically building on the Travis service.

      We still have some OpenGL issues but the program is globally functional.

      We do not currently distribute binary version of I-Simpa for linux. You can however build it yourself using CMake (will generate makefile, ninja file etc...)

      You can read the Travis build instructions in order to get some hints about the dependencies:

      Latest unstable Windows build are here:

      The zip file is a standalone version of I-Simpa, Administrator privileges are not required.

    3. Hi there, thanks for commenting, it's great to hear from you.

      "We still have some OpenGL issues" - Doesn't everyone?.. :-)

      Thanks for the link to the windows build. I'll try it out. Perhaps it should be easier to find it? One of the big similarities that all the really successful open source or free-to-use software has is that it has a big download button and is really easy to install.


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