Processing as a proof of concept tool

I've given my self a few days to do some of my favourite sort of work: quickly throwing together a proof of concept of an idea. I had forgotten just how good Processing is at doing this. So this is a bit of a fan post...

In a day I had remembered enough about Java and how processing works to throw together a rough GUI that can zoom and pan, with draggable sources. The libraries in processing are great, especially oscP5, it was so quick to add an OSC implementation to the project.

As long as you're not trying to make a polished and shiny bit of software, and what you're doing isn't too massive, processing really is the best tool that I've come across for the job - let me know if you think otherwise, I'm always up for trying new solutions.

Processing as a proof of concept tool

I've given my self a few days to do some of my favourite sort of work: quickly throwing together a proof of concept of an idea. I had fo...